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Held May 31, 1952, at the 1952 homecoming
Glee Club members for the academic year 1918-1919. Front Row, from left: John L. Aumell, Tenor, Francis J. Benolken, Bass, Joseph Johnston, Bass, Edmund J. McCarthy, Bass, Edmund Patenaude, Tenor, Frank E. Corkery, Bass 7. George McMillan, Tenor 8.…
Joseph Kearney, also known as Joe Kearney, was a member of the Glee Club in 1935
Results of the Fred Waring Sacred Heart Competition

Lyle W. Moore and Charles M. Lauerman, also known by his nickname "Chuck", are photographed here holding the award for first place in the Fred Waring "Sacred Heart Program" Competition. The Men's Glee Club, directed by Lyle Moore, won this award…
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