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Glee Club members for the academic year 1918-1919. Front Row, from left: John L. Aumell, Tenor, Francis J. Benolken, Bass, Joseph Johnston, Bass, Edmund J. McCarthy, Bass, Edmund Patenaude, Tenor, Frank E. Corkery, Bass 7. George McMillan, Tenor 8.…
Held May 31, 1952, at the 1952 homecoming
Formal Glee Club Concert
Post Theater
Spokane, Washington
Bing Crosby performing with the Glee Club

These former Gonzaga Glee Club members, renewed their friendships in an extraordinary reunion for the singing of Pietro Yon’s Missa Solemnis at the 84th Baccalaureate Mass on May 8 at St. Aloysius Church. Standing on the front steps of the…
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